Serait-il possible d'avoir dans le HEADER l'angle du Rotateur afin de pouvoir facilement le retrouver d'une session à l'autres pour l'imagerie de même objets d'une nuit à l'autre?
En sachant que le rotateur ne tourne que de +90 ou - 90 ° on ne peut le faire correspondre à l'angle de l'image qui est sur 360 ?
Fit HEADER - Rotateur
- Messages : 4554
- Enregistré le : 18 juin 2009, 22:41
- Localisation : 42
Re: Fit HEADER - Rotateur
C'est de quel rotateur ?
Y a vraiment rien dans le fichier FITS ?
Il est possible que le format CPA le gere mais pas le FITS ... mais ca m'etonne qd meme.
Y a vraiment rien dans le fichier FITS ?
Il est possible que le format CPA le gere mais pas le FITS ... mais ca m'etonne qd meme.
Cyril Cavadore, ALCOR-SYSTEM, Auteur de PRISM
Pour reporter vos problème, la marche à suivre est ici
Pour reporter vos problème, la marche à suivre est ici
- Messages : 89
- Enregistré le : 02 mars 2016, 13:32
Re: Fit HEADER - Rotateur
Alors le rotateur c'est le PrimaluceLAB ARCO 3"
C'est la dernière version de prism de 11 que j'ai installé
voici les données FIT que j'ai:
["SIMPLE", "T", "FITS header"],
["BITPIX", "16", "No.Bits per pixel"],
["NAXIS", "2", "No.dimensions"],
["NAXIS1", "9576", "Length X axis"],
["NAXIS2", "6388", "Length Y axis"],
["BSCALE", "1", "Trick to set data to unsigned 16 bit data"],
["BZERO", "32768", "Trick to set data to unsigned 16 bit data"],
["DATE", "\'2024-03-23T01:12:30.844200\'", "Date of FITS file creation"],
["SWCREATE", "\'PRISM, Version, 01/12/2023\'", "Software Name and version"],
["ORIGIN", "\'Nantes \'", "Origin place of FITS image"], // row 10
["OBSERVER", "\'TREVINCASKIE \'", "Observer name"],
["SITELAT", "\'+47:13:59:99 \'", "Latitude observatory"],
["SITELONG", "\'-01:34:59:99 \'", "Longitude observatory"],
["DATE-OBS", "\'2024-03-23T01:11:25.212000\'", "UT date of Observation"],
["UT", "\'01:11:25.21 \'", "UT begining of observation"],
["EXPOSURE", "60.00000", "Exposure time seconds"],
["XPIXELSZ", "3.76", "X pixel size microns"],
["CDELTM1", "0.003760000000", "Size of a pixel (x) in mm"],
["XPIXSZ", "3.8", "X Binned pixel size as microns"],
["YPIXELSZ", "3.76", "Y pixel size microns"], // row 20
["CDELTM2", "0.003760000000", "Size of a pixel (y) in mm"],
["YPIXSZ", "3.8", "X Binned pixel size as microns"],
["INSTRUME", "\'ASCOM_Player One Camera 1\'", "Camera which created data"],
["FILTERS", "\'H \'", "Filters"],
["CVF", "5.000", "Conversion factor (e-/adu)"],
["READOUTT", "1.11", "Image readout time (sec)"],
["X1", "1", "X1 image windowing"],
["Y1", "1", "Y1 image windowing"],
["X2", "9576", "X2 image windowing"],
["Y2", "6388", "Y2 image windowing"], // row 30
["COMPRESS", "0", "Number of compression"],
["TELESCOP", "\'FRA600 \'", "Telescope"],
["FOCAL", "600.0", "Focal length in mm"],
["DIAMETER", "108.0", "Diameter in mm"],
["OBJCTRA", "\'16 41 37.921 \'", "Object Right Ascension (J2000)"],
["OBJCTDEC", "\'+36 26 39.44 \'", "Object Declinaison (J2000)"],
["RA", "250.408008164306", "Telescope RA"],
["DEC", "36.444289474674", "Telescope DEC"],
["CRVAL1", "250.408008164306", "approx coord. in RA"],
["CRVAL2", "36.444289474674", "approx coord. in DEC"], // row 40
["CDELT1", "0.000359053552", "ScaleX in deg/pix"],
["CDELT2", "0.000359053552", "ScaleY in deg/pix"],
["DATAMAX", "383.00", "Maximum data value"],
["DATAMIN", "92.00", "Minimum data value"],
["PIERSIDE", "\'WEST \'", "Side of the tube wrt to Pier"],
["CCD-TEMP", "-15.0", "CCD temperature as Celsius degrees"],
["FOCUSPOS", "13.004", "Focuser position as mm"],
["FOCUSTMP", "0.0", "Focuser temperature as Celsius degrees"],
["BITCAMPX", "16", "Native camera dynamic in bits per pixel"],
["STACKNB", "1", "Amount of stacked images"], // row 50
["STARCNT", "0", "Amount of extracted stars"],
["GAIN_ELE", "0", "Camera electronic gain (arbitrary units)"],
["OFFSET_E", "0", "Camera electronic offset (arbitrary units)"],
["TEMPEXT", "0.0", "External temperature, unit is degrees C"],
["PRESSURE", "0.0", "Atm. Pressure, unit is Hpa"],
["DEWPOINT", "0.0", "Dewpoint temperature, unit is degrees C"],
["HUMIDITY", "0.0", "Relative humidity, unit is percent"],
["WINSPEED", "0.0", "Wind speed, unit is km/h"],
["WINDIR", "0.0", "Wind direction, North 0deg, East 90d"],
["IMGTYPE", "\'STD_IMAGE \'", "Image type, like flat, bias or dark"], // row 60
["BAYERIND", "0", "Bayer color Index"],
["HISTORY", "", "none"]
C'est la dernière version de prism de 11 que j'ai installé
voici les données FIT que j'ai:
["SIMPLE", "T", "FITS header"],
["BITPIX", "16", "No.Bits per pixel"],
["NAXIS", "2", "No.dimensions"],
["NAXIS1", "9576", "Length X axis"],
["NAXIS2", "6388", "Length Y axis"],
["BSCALE", "1", "Trick to set data to unsigned 16 bit data"],
["BZERO", "32768", "Trick to set data to unsigned 16 bit data"],
["DATE", "\'2024-03-23T01:12:30.844200\'", "Date of FITS file creation"],
["SWCREATE", "\'PRISM, Version, 01/12/2023\'", "Software Name and version"],
["ORIGIN", "\'Nantes \'", "Origin place of FITS image"], // row 10
["OBSERVER", "\'TREVINCASKIE \'", "Observer name"],
["SITELAT", "\'+47:13:59:99 \'", "Latitude observatory"],
["SITELONG", "\'-01:34:59:99 \'", "Longitude observatory"],
["DATE-OBS", "\'2024-03-23T01:11:25.212000\'", "UT date of Observation"],
["UT", "\'01:11:25.21 \'", "UT begining of observation"],
["EXPOSURE", "60.00000", "Exposure time seconds"],
["XPIXELSZ", "3.76", "X pixel size microns"],
["CDELTM1", "0.003760000000", "Size of a pixel (x) in mm"],
["XPIXSZ", "3.8", "X Binned pixel size as microns"],
["YPIXELSZ", "3.76", "Y pixel size microns"], // row 20
["CDELTM2", "0.003760000000", "Size of a pixel (y) in mm"],
["YPIXSZ", "3.8", "X Binned pixel size as microns"],
["INSTRUME", "\'ASCOM_Player One Camera 1\'", "Camera which created data"],
["FILTERS", "\'H \'", "Filters"],
["CVF", "5.000", "Conversion factor (e-/adu)"],
["READOUTT", "1.11", "Image readout time (sec)"],
["X1", "1", "X1 image windowing"],
["Y1", "1", "Y1 image windowing"],
["X2", "9576", "X2 image windowing"],
["Y2", "6388", "Y2 image windowing"], // row 30
["COMPRESS", "0", "Number of compression"],
["TELESCOP", "\'FRA600 \'", "Telescope"],
["FOCAL", "600.0", "Focal length in mm"],
["DIAMETER", "108.0", "Diameter in mm"],
["OBJCTRA", "\'16 41 37.921 \'", "Object Right Ascension (J2000)"],
["OBJCTDEC", "\'+36 26 39.44 \'", "Object Declinaison (J2000)"],
["RA", "250.408008164306", "Telescope RA"],
["DEC", "36.444289474674", "Telescope DEC"],
["CRVAL1", "250.408008164306", "approx coord. in RA"],
["CRVAL2", "36.444289474674", "approx coord. in DEC"], // row 40
["CDELT1", "0.000359053552", "ScaleX in deg/pix"],
["CDELT2", "0.000359053552", "ScaleY in deg/pix"],
["DATAMAX", "383.00", "Maximum data value"],
["DATAMIN", "92.00", "Minimum data value"],
["PIERSIDE", "\'WEST \'", "Side of the tube wrt to Pier"],
["CCD-TEMP", "-15.0", "CCD temperature as Celsius degrees"],
["FOCUSPOS", "13.004", "Focuser position as mm"],
["FOCUSTMP", "0.0", "Focuser temperature as Celsius degrees"],
["BITCAMPX", "16", "Native camera dynamic in bits per pixel"],
["STACKNB", "1", "Amount of stacked images"], // row 50
["STARCNT", "0", "Amount of extracted stars"],
["GAIN_ELE", "0", "Camera electronic gain (arbitrary units)"],
["OFFSET_E", "0", "Camera electronic offset (arbitrary units)"],
["TEMPEXT", "0.0", "External temperature, unit is degrees C"],
["PRESSURE", "0.0", "Atm. Pressure, unit is Hpa"],
["DEWPOINT", "0.0", "Dewpoint temperature, unit is degrees C"],
["HUMIDITY", "0.0", "Relative humidity, unit is percent"],
["WINSPEED", "0.0", "Wind speed, unit is km/h"],
["WINDIR", "0.0", "Wind direction, North 0deg, East 90d"],
["IMGTYPE", "\'STD_IMAGE \'", "Image type, like flat, bias or dark"], // row 60
["BAYERIND", "0", "Bayer color Index"],
["HISTORY", "", "none"]