BINX and BINY values are not in FITS Header

Le prétraitement des images.
Dekelver Pieter-Jan
Messages : 169
Enregistré le : 04 mars 2021, 15:23

BINX and BINY values are not in FITS Header

Message par Dekelver Pieter-Jan »


I came to the conclusion that there are no BINX and BINY values inside my FITS images. The fits header options boxes BINX and BINY are checked. FITS and FITS_1D
Example FITS Header of a 1s 2x2 BIN image :

What can be the solution? Thank you.
01 : SIMPLE = T /FITS header
02 : BITPIX = -32 /No.Bits per pixel
03 : NAXIS = 2 /No.dimensions
04 : NAXIS1 = 1092 /Length X axis
05 : NAXIS2 = 736 /Length Y axis
06 : DATE = '2024-09-21T08:34:19.331000' /Date of FITS file creation
07 : SWCREATE= 'PRISM, Version, 2024-08-15' /Software Name and version
08 : ORIGIN = 'Observatory Gromme ' /Origin place of FITS image
09 : OBSERVER= 'Pieter-Jan Dekelver' /Observer name
10 : SITELAT = '+51:01:57:99 ' /Latitude observatory
11 : SITELONG= '+05:36:02:00 ' /Longitude observatory
12 : DATE-OBS= '2024-09-21T08:34:17.212800' /UT date of Observation
13 : UT = '08:34:17.21 ' /UT begining of observation
14 : EXPOSURE= 1.00000 /Exposure time seconds
15 : CDELTM1 = 0.013600000000 /Size of a pixel (x) in mm
16 : XPIXSZ = 13.6 /X Binned pixel size as microns
17 : CDELTM2 = 0.013600000000 /Size of a pixel (y) in mm
18 : YPIXSZ = 13.6 /X Binned pixel size as microns
19 : INSTRUME= 'ASCOM_flipro0:ML0300316' /Camera which created data
20 : CVF = 5.000 /Conversion factor (e-/adu)
21 : READOUTT= 0.80 /Image readout time (sec)
22 : X1 = 1 /X1 image windowing
23 : Y1 = 1 /Y1 image windowing
24 : X2 = 2184 /X2 image windowing
25 : Y2 = 1472 /Y2 image windowing
26 : COMPRESS= 0 /Number of compression
27 : TELESCOP= '0.30-m f 4 Newtonian reflector' /Telescope
28 : FOCAL = 1267.0 /Focal length in mm
29 : DIAMETER= 300.0 /Diameter in mm
30 : CDELT1 = 0.000307506946 /ScaleX in deg/pix
31 : CDELT2 = 0.000307506946 /ScaleY in deg/pix
32 : DATAMAX = 5303.00 /Maximum data value
33 : DATAMIN = 4089.00 /Minimum data value
34 : CCD-TEMP= 20.1 /CCD temperature as Celsius degrees
35 : FOCUSPOS= 0.000 /Focuser position as mm
36 : FOCUSTMP= 0.0 /Focuser temperature as Celsius degrees
37 : BITCAMPX= 16 /Native camera dynamic in bits per pixel
38 : STACKNB = 1 /Amount of stacked images
39 : STARCNT = 0 /Amount of extracted stars
40 : GAIN_ELE= 0 /Camera electronic gain (arbitrary units)
41 : OFFSET_E= 0 /Camera electronic offset (arbitrary units)
42 : TEMPEXT = 0.0 /External temperature, unit is degrees C
43 : PRESSURE= 0.0 /Atm. Pressure, unit is Hpa
44 : DEWPOINT= 0.0 /Dewpoint temperature, unit is degrees C
45 : HUMIDITY= 0.0 /Relative humidity, unit is percent
46 : WINSPEED= 0.0 /Wind speed, unit is km/h
47 : WINDIR = 0.0 /Wind direction, North 0deg, East 90d
48 : IMGTYPE = 'STD_IMAGE ' /Image type, like flat, bias or dark
49 : BAYERIND= 0 /Bayer color Index
50 : COMMENT Mount: 10Micron GM2000 HPS G.E.M., QCI Control System. F.W.V.: 3.0.8
51 : HISTORY none
52 : END
Dekelver Pieter-Jan
Messages : 169
Enregistré le : 04 mars 2021, 15:23

Re: BINX and BINY values are not in FITS Header

Message par Dekelver Pieter-Jan »

Dear All,

Also: when i manual enter BINX and BINY headers inside the fits image, the values are not stored when for instance the images are subtracked with masters.
So i have to enter again BINX and BINY values inside these calibrated images.

Is there an update on this availeble? Of what is the problem?

Thank you very much.