Does Prism take into account exposure time when computing ADUs?

L'analyse des images.
Messages : 31
Enregistré le : 09 août 2021, 10:03

Does Prism take into account exposure time when computing ADUs?

Message par dan_adrian »

Hello, I have taken an 8 second exposure of a star (TYC 3853-1374-1).
When I do the aperture analysis I get the results from the picture bellow.
Screenshot 2024-06-02 at 23.36.48.jpg
Max = 10049 ADU

Is this Max value in ADU/sec? If my exposure time is 8 sec then Max = 8 * 10049 (80392) and the pixel is saturated
Cyril Cavadore
Messages : 4518
Enregistré le : 18 juin 2009, 22:41
Localisation : 42

Re: Does Prism take into account exposure time when computing ADUs?

Message par Cyril Cavadore »

No this is the local max for the given image (as seen), there no division by the exposure time.
Cyril Cavadore, ALCOR-SYSTEM, Auteur de PRISM

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Messages : 31
Enregistré le : 09 août 2021, 10:03

Re: Does Prism take into account exposure time when computing ADUs?

Message par dan_adrian »

Ok, I understand now, thank you.