Nouvelle caméra ASI6200MM : Blocage en binning

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Thierry Legault
Messages : 22
Enregistré le : 02 mai 2010, 04:39

Nouvelle caméra ASI6200MM : Blocage en binning

Message par Thierry Legault »

bonjour, j'ai reçu il y a quelques jours la nouvelle ASI6200MM. Quelle caméra !!!

Tout fonctionne bien en acquisition, mais seulement en binning 1. En binning 2 ou 3, je lance une pose et Prism reste figé en lecture image. Il faut non seulement que je ferme Prism mais que je redémarre le PC pour que tout revienne à la normale.

A noter que :
- j'ai le même problème avec SIPS : blocage en binning 2 ou plus
- par contre, Genika et Sharpcap fonctionnent très bien quel que soit le binning (pour Genika, il a fallu que Frédéric Jabet me fasse une nouvelle dll ASI, mais je ne sais pas ce qu'il y a changé)
- je n'ai pas le problème avec l'ASI1600MM et Prism, ça fonctionne quel que soit le binning

Je pense à une évolution dans le dialogue avec la caméra (?)
Peut-être qu'il faut spécifier le mode de binning, apparemment la caméra peut faire du binning "hard" (bon, sur un CMOS on n'y gagne pas en bruit de lecture, par contre on y gagne en cadence d'images par seconde, je le vois bien avec Sharpcap qui propose l'option "bin hard/soft" : en hard je passe de 3 fps à 10 fps de bin1 à bin2, alors qu'en soft ça reste à 3 fps).

Armel Kermorvant
Messages : 45
Enregistré le : 10 juin 2014, 18:56
Localisation : Murs Erigné (49)
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Re: Nouvelle caméra ASI6200MM : Blocage en binning

Message par Armel Kermorvant »

Bonjour Thierry,
il y a quelles semaines, un utilisateur avait un soucis avec une 533, elles sont sortie à peut près en même temps, mais les premières DLL avaient des bugs.

Voici la procédure pour la dernière DLL (tu dois avoir la version si ton prism 10 est à jour) , je ne sais pas si cela va résoudre le soucis, mais cela vaut peut-être le coup d'êtres testé.

0) Tu quittes Prism
1) Tu télécharges sur le site de ZWO le SDK Windows : ...
2) Tu le décompresses
3) Tu vas dans le dossier lib et x86, tu as un fichier qui se nomme ASICamera2.dll
4) Tu ouvres un nouvelle fenêtre d'Explorer Windows
5) Tu vas dans le dossier ou se trouve Prism (C:\Program Files (x86)\PRiSM v10)
6) Tu vas trouver 1 fichiers : ASICamera2.dll
7) Tu le renommes en ASICamera2.dll.old
8) Dans le point 3, tu copie le fichier (Copier) et tu le colles dans le dossier du point 5
9) Tu relances Prism

Thierry Legault
Messages : 22
Enregistré le : 02 mai 2010, 04:39

Re: Nouvelle caméra ASI6200MM : Blocage en binning

Message par Thierry Legault »

merci pour les infos, j'ai fait la manip mais ça ne change rien.

Quand je lance une pose en bin2, la lecture ne se termine jamais, comme si c'était une pose très longue. Et si je clique sur le bouton Stop, un message d'erreur apparaît :
ReadImageError, loop error at 0,0 index=0-> Cannot retrieve camera Data, ASIGenDataAfterExp 16bits (Err=11)
Armel Kermorvant
Messages : 45
Enregistré le : 10 juin 2014, 18:56
Localisation : Murs Erigné (49)
Contact :

Re: Nouvelle caméra ASI6200MM : Blocage en binning

Message par Armel Kermorvant »

Je pense que la balle est dans le camp de Cyril ;)
Thierry Legault
Messages : 22
Enregistré le : 02 mai 2010, 04:39

Re: Nouvelle caméra ASI6200MM : Blocage en binning

Message par Thierry Legault »

un extrait du fichier log, une pose en bin1 (ok) suivie d'une autre en bin2 (ko) :

Code : Tout sélectionner

[Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m54.385s {6.5 s} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Reset Camera
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m55.209s {821.4 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> MaxBinH=4 MaxBinV=4
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m55.210s {861 µs} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Height=6388 Width=9576
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m55.211s {706 µs} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Gain    Gain
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m55.211s {719 µs} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Max Gain=700 Min=0
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m55.217s {5.9 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Set last GAIN value=100
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m55.218s {681 µs} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure    Exposure Time(us)
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m55.219s {722 µs} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Max exposure=2000.000000 Min=0.000032 sec
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m55.219s {726 µs} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Offset    offset
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m55.220s {695 µs} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Max Offset=700 Min=0
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m55.222s {2.2 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Set last Offset value=50
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m55.223s {711 µs} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> BandWidth    The total data transfer rate percentage
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m55.224s {644 µs} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> BandWidth MaxB=100.0 MinBW=40.0
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m55.224s {628 µs} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> BandWidth set to 100 %
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m55.234s {9.4 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Bandwidth set properly
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m55.234s {634 µs} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Flip    Flip: 0->None 1->Horiz 2->Vert 3->Both
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m55.235s {626 µs} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> AutoExpMaxGain    Auto exposure maximum gain value
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m55.236s {627 µs} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> AutoExpMaxExpMS    Auto exposure maximum exposure value(unit ms)
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m55.236s {627 µs} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> AutoExpTargetBrightness    Auto exposure target brightness value
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m55.237s {630 µs} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> HardwareBin    Is hardware bin2:0->No 1->Yes
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m55.238s {674 µs} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> HighSpeedMode    Is high speed mode:0->No 1->Yes
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m55.238s {628 µs} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Temperature    Sensor temperature(degrees Celsius)
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m55.239s {648 µs} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> CoolPowerPerc    Cooler power percent
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m55.240s {695 µs} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> TargetTemp    Target temperature(cool camera only)
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m55.240s {678 µs} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> CoolerOn    turn on/off cooler(cool camera only)
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m55.241s {695 µs} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> AntiDewHeater    turn on/off anti dew heater(cool camera only)
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m55.242s {736 µs} : Registry Read Error : -> \Software\Prism\CCD\ZWO_ASI_Cam:Enable_Window_Heating : value does not exists., Default value used...
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m55.244s {2.1 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Current w=9576 h=6388 bin=1
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m55.244s {746 µs} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Initialization ASI camera completed !
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m55.247s {2.0 ms} : Guide Parameters read from :\CCD\Tracking\
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m55.287s {40.1 ms} : Registry Read Error : -> \Software\Prism\CCD\NT\ZWO ASI6200MM Pro\Detector0:Nb_Saved_Windows : value does not exists., Default value used...
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m57.288s {2.0 s} : TDetectorAcquisitionPANEL.StartButtonClick -> near completion...
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m57.289s {932 µs} : TDetectorAcquisitionPANEL.StartExposure -> Entering, Detector=0
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m57.290s {678 µs} : TDetectorAcquisitionPANEL.StartExposure -> Exposure time set.
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m57.290s {687 µs} : TDetectorAcquisitionPANEL.StartExposure -> Windowing set.
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m57.291s {622 µs} : TDetectorAcquisitionPANEL.StartExposure -> Geometric features set.
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m57.291s {617 µs} : TDetectorAcquisitionPANEL.StartExposure -> Shutter state set.
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m57.292s {632 µs} : TDetectorAcquisitionPANEL.StartExposure -> Binning set.
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m57.293s {620 µs} : TDetectorAcquisitionPANEL.StartExposure -> Parameters set.
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m57.293s {611 µs} : TDetectorAcquisitionPANEL.StartAcquisition -> Entering driver
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m57.294s {600 µs} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> [CCD #0] Init exposure requested
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m57.295s {725 µs} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> [CCD #0] About to init CCD
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m57.295s {684 µs} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> [CCD #0] ExposureStatus changed to "ExposureStatusInit"
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m57.302s {7.1 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> [CCD #0] No telescope assigned
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m57.408s {105.2 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> [CCD #0] ExposureStatus changed to "ExposureStatusPending"
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m57.409s {772 µs} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> [CCD #0] 29/04/2020 18:24:57Start exposure completed
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m57.410s {884 µs} : TDetectorAcquisitionPANEL.StartExposure -> End.
@[8632]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m57.511s {100.5 ms} : [HiresTimer] Ontimer proc will be executed soon : 21B8 Owner="Timer_OnTimerEventExposure_NT_ASIcamera_MainCCDIndex"
 [8632]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m57.610s {98.8 ms} : [HiresTimer] Ontimer proc will be executed soon : 21B8 Owner="Timer_OnTimerEventExposure_NT_ASIcamera_MainCCDIndex"
 [8632]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m57.709s {99.0 ms} : [HiresTimer] Ontimer proc will be executed soon : 21B8 Owner="Timer_OnTimerEventExposure_NT_ASIcamera_MainCCDIndex"
 [8632]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m57.810s {100.7 ms} : [HiresTimer] Ontimer proc will be executed soon : 21B8 Owner="Timer_OnTimerEventExposure_NT_ASIcamera_MainCCDIndex"
 [8632]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m57.910s {99.2 ms} : [HiresTimer] Ontimer proc will be executed soon : 21B8 Owner="Timer_OnTimerEventExposure_NT_ASIcamera_MainCCDIndex"
 [8632]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m58.011s {100.5 ms} : [HiresTimer] Ontimer proc will be executed soon : 21B8 Owner="Timer_OnTimerEventExposure_NT_ASIcamera_MainCCDIndex"
 [8632]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m58.110s {99.5 ms} : [HiresTimer] Ontimer proc will be executed soon : 21B8 Owner="Timer_OnTimerEventExposure_NT_ASIcamera_MainCCDIndex"
 [8632]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m58.211s {100.0 ms} : [HiresTimer] Ontimer proc will be executed soon : 21B8 Owner="Timer_OnTimerEventExposure_NT_ASIcamera_MainCCDIndex"
 [8632]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m58.311s {99.5 ms} : [HiresTimer] Ontimer proc will be executed soon : 21B8 Owner="Timer_OnTimerEventExposure_NT_ASIcamera_MainCCDIndex"
 [8632]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m58.509s {198.2 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> [CCD #0] End Exposure triggered
@[7152]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m58.510s {899 µs} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> [CCD #0] 29/04/2020 18:24:58camera EndOfExposure ZWO ASI6200MM Pro
 [7152]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m58.516s {5.4 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> [CCD #0] ExposureStatus changed to "ExposureStatusReadOut"
 [7152]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m58.516s {696 µs} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> [CCD #0] enter ReadImage
 [7152]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m58.548s {31.5 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Going to use ASIGetDataAfterExp (CamID=0) sizeX=9576 sizeY=6388 BinningX=1 BinningY=1 ROI -> X1=1,Y1=1,X2=9576,Y2=6388
 [7152]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m58.611s {62.4 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> [CCD #0] OK data read ZWO ASI6200MM Pro binX=1 BinY=1 X1=1 Y1=1 SX=9576 SY=6388
 [7152]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m58.612s {778 µs} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> [CCD #0]  [gotten bytes=61171488] !
 [7152]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m58.783s {170.9 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> [CCD #0] ExposureStatus changed to "ExposureStatusEnded"
@[Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m58.785s {1.7 ms} : TDetectorAcquisitionPANEL.RetrieveImage -> Enter
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m58.862s {76.5 ms} : TDetectorAcquisitionPANEL.RetrieveImage -> Getimagebuffer OK
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m58.879s {17.4 ms} : TDetectorAcquisitionPANEL.RetrieveImage -> Buffer reworked
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m58.960s {81.0 ms} : TDetectorAcquisitionPANEL.RetrieveImage -> Stat done
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m58.961s {707 µs} : TDetectorAcquisitionPANEL.RetrieveImage -> Create image
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m59.114s {152.8 ms} : TDetectorAcquisitionPANEL.RetrieveImage -> Create image ok
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m59.119s {4.7 ms} : TDetectorAcquisitionPANEL.RetrieveImage -> RechercheThrAuto
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m59.663s {542.1 ms} : TDetectorAcquisitionPANEL.RetrieveImage -> Image assignation
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m59.808s {144.3 ms} : TDetectorAcquisitionPANEL.RetrieveImage -> End_Display_Image
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h24m59.847s {39.1 ms} : TDetectorAcquisitionPANEL.RetrieveImage -> Completed
@[12644]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m00.290s {441.3 ms} : [HiresTimer] Ontimer proc will be executed soon : 3164 Owner="Temp_TimerPanelCCD"
@[Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m01.460s {1.2 s} : Connecté sur le site des mises à jour...
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m01.831s {369.3 ms} : Reçoit le fichier : current_release.txt vers C:\Users\Administrateur\Documents\Prism\updates_files\current_release.txt.ftp
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m01.890s {58.6 ms} : Reception de fichier effectué
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m01.941s {51.3 ms} : Déconnecté !
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m01.976s {34.8 ms} : TDetectorAcquisitionPANEL.StartButtonClick -> near completion...
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m01.977s {886 µs} : TDetectorAcquisitionPANEL.StartExposure -> Entering, Detector=0
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m01.978s {699 µs} : TDetectorAcquisitionPANEL.StartExposure -> Exposure time set.
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m01.978s {727 µs} : TDetectorAcquisitionPANEL.StartExposure -> Windowing set.
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m01.979s {729 µs} : TDetectorAcquisitionPANEL.StartExposure -> Geometric features set.
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m01.980s {626 µs} : TDetectorAcquisitionPANEL.StartExposure -> Shutter state set.
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m01.980s {629 µs} : TDetectorAcquisitionPANEL.StartExposure -> Binning set.
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m01.981s {604 µs} : TDetectorAcquisitionPANEL.StartExposure -> Parameters set.
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m01.981s {584 µs} : TDetectorAcquisitionPANEL.StartAcquisition -> Entering driver
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m01.982s {593 µs} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> [CCD #0] Init exposure requested
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m01.983s {560 µs} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> [CCD #0] About to init CCD
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m01.983s {584 µs} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> [CCD #0] ExposureStatus changed to "ExposureStatusInit"
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m01.991s {7.6 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> [CCD #0] No telescope assigned
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m02.405s {412.9 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> [CCD #0] ExposureStatus changed to "ExposureStatusPending"
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m02.406s {879 µs} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> [CCD #0] 29/04/2020 18:25:02Start exposure completed
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m02.407s {1.0 ms} : TDetectorAcquisitionPANEL.StartExposure -> End.
@[0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m02.506s {99.0 ms} : [HiresTimer] Ontimer proc will be executed soon : 0124 Owner="Timer_OnTimerEventExposure_NT_ASIcamera_MainCCDIndex"
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m02.606s {99.2 ms} : [HiresTimer] Ontimer proc will be executed soon : 0124 Owner="Timer_OnTimerEventExposure_NT_ASIcamera_MainCCDIndex"
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m02.707s {100.7 ms} : [HiresTimer] Ontimer proc will be executed soon : 0124 Owner="Timer_OnTimerEventExposure_NT_ASIcamera_MainCCDIndex"
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m02.806s {99.1 ms} : [HiresTimer] Ontimer proc will be executed soon : 0124 Owner="Timer_OnTimerEventExposure_NT_ASIcamera_MainCCDIndex"
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m02.906s {99.1 ms} : [HiresTimer] Ontimer proc will be executed soon : 0124 Owner="Timer_OnTimerEventExposure_NT_ASIcamera_MainCCDIndex"
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m03.007s {101.2 ms} : [HiresTimer] Ontimer proc will be executed soon : 0124 Owner="Timer_OnTimerEventExposure_NT_ASIcamera_MainCCDIndex"
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m03.107s {98.8 ms} : [HiresTimer] Ontimer proc will be executed soon : 0124 Owner="Timer_OnTimerEventExposure_NT_ASIcamera_MainCCDIndex"
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m03.206s {99.3 ms} : [HiresTimer] Ontimer proc will be executed soon : 0124 Owner="Timer_OnTimerEventExposure_NT_ASIcamera_MainCCDIndex"
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m03.306s {99.5 ms} : [HiresTimer] Ontimer proc will be executed soon : 0124 Owner="Timer_OnTimerEventExposure_NT_ASIcamera_MainCCDIndex"
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m04.407s {1.1 s} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m04.506s {99.3 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m04.606s {99.2 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m04.706s {99.3 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m04.806s {99.5 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m04.907s {101.4 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m05.006s {98.7 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m05.106s {99.2 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m05.207s {101.0 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
@[12644]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m05.291s {83.0 ms} : [HiresTimer] Ontimer proc will be executed soon : 3164 Owner="Temp_TimerPanelCCD"
@[0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m05.307s {15.9 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m05.406s {98.9 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m05.506s {99.4 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m05.607s {101.2 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m05.707s {99.3 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m05.806s {99.0 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m05.906s {99.7 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m06.006s {99.1 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m06.107s {101.0 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m06.206s {98.9 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m06.308s {100.8 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m06.407s {99.1 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m06.506s {98.2 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m06.607s {101.3 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m06.707s {99.5 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m06.807s {99.4 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m06.906s {99.2 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m07.006s {99.0 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m07.107s {101.2 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m07.206s {98.8 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m07.306s {99.1 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m07.406s {100.3 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m07.506s {99.2 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m07.607s {100.5 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m07.706s {98.7 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m07.807s {101.1 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m07.907s {99.1 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m08.007s {100.4 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m08.106s {98.4 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m08.206s {99.0 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m08.306s {100.3 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m08.406s {99.2 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m08.506s {99.6 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m08.608s {101.4 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m08.707s {98.5 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m08.806s {98.8 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m08.906s {100.5 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m09.006s {99.2 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m09.107s {100.7 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m09.206s {98.8 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m09.306s {99.1 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m09.406s {99.4 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m09.507s {101.0 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m09.606s {99.0 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m09.706s {99.2 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m09.806s {100.3 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m09.906s {99.5 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m10.006s {99.1 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m10.107s {101.0 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m10.207s {99.7 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
@[12644]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m10.291s {83.6 ms} : [HiresTimer] Ontimer proc will be executed soon : 3164 Owner="Temp_TimerPanelCCD"
@[0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m10.307s {16.0 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m10.407s {99.5 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m10.507s {99.6 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m10.606s {99.0 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m10.706s {99.7 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m10.806s {99.4 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m10.907s {100.5 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m11.007s {100.0 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m11.107s {99.3 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m11.207s {99.7 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m11.307s {99.8 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m11.407s {99.6 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m11.507s {99.9 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m11.607s {99.7 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m11.707s {99.8 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m11.807s {99.8 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m11.907s {99.7 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m12.007s {99.7 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m12.107s {99.0 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m12.206s {99.1 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m12.306s {99.1 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m12.407s {100.8 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m12.506s {99.1 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m12.606s {99.1 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m12.707s {100.8 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m12.806s {98.7 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m12.906s {99.2 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m13.006s {100.1 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m13.107s {100.8 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m13.206s {98.4 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m13.306s {99.3 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m13.406s {100.5 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m13.506s {98.7 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m13.607s {100.9 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m13.706s {99.0 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m13.807s {100.4 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m13.906s {98.9 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m14.007s {100.5 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m14.106s {99.2 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m14.206s {99.0 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m14.307s {101.0 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m14.407s {99.4 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m14.506s {99.1 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m14.606s {99.3 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m14.706s {99.1 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m14.807s {101.1 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m14.907s {99.5 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m15.007s {99.4 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m15.106s {99.3 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m15.206s {99.4 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
@[12644]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m15.290s {83.7 ms} : [HiresTimer] Ontimer proc will be executed soon : 3164 Owner="Temp_TimerPanelCCD"
@[0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m15.306s {16.0 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m15.407s {100.1 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m15.507s {99.9 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m15.607s {99.6 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m15.707s {99.6 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m15.806s {98.9 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m15.907s {101.0 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m16.007s {99.0 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m16.106s {99.1 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m16.206s {99.3 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m16.307s {101.3 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m16.407s {99.3 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m16.507s {99.5 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m16.607s {99.3 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m16.706s {98.7 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m16.806s {100.4 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m16.906s {99.1 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m17.007s {101.1 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m17.107s {99.1 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m17.206s {98.9 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m17.306s {99.4 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m17.406s {99.3 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m17.507s {101.5 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m17.607s {99.2 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m17.706s {99.0 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m17.806s {99.2 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m17.906s {99.6 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m18.007s {101.2 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m18.107s {99.3 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m18.207s {99.4 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m18.307s {99.7 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m18.406s {99.0 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m18.506s {98.9 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m18.607s {101.0 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m18.706s {98.4 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m18.807s {100.6 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m18.906s {99.0 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m19.006s {99.3 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m19.107s {100.6 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m19.206s {98.8 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m19.307s {100.9 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m19.406s {98.9 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m19.506s {99.3 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m19.607s {100.9 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m19.707s {99.1 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m19.806s {98.7 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m19.907s {101.1 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m20.006s {98.8 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m20.107s {100.9 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m20.206s {98.4 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
@[12644]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m20.291s {84.9 ms} : [HiresTimer] Ontimer proc will be executed soon : 3164 Owner="Temp_TimerPanelCCD"
@[0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m20.305s {14.0 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m20.407s {100.8 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m20.506s {99.0 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m20.607s {100.9 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m20.707s {99.5 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m20.807s {98.9 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m20.906s {98.9 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m21.007s {100.5 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m21.106s {99.2 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m21.206s {99.4 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m21.305s {99.2 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m21.407s {101.5 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m21.507s {99.3 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m21.606s {98.9 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m21.706s {99.0 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m21.807s {100.8 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m21.906s {99.3 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m22.006s {99.2 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m22.107s {100.5 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m22.206s {99.1 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
 [0292]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m22.306s {99.1 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Exposure failed, for some reason...
@[5016]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m22.362s {56.3 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> [CCD #0] 29/04/2020 18:25:22camera EndOfExposure ZWO ASI6200MM Pro
 [5016]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m22.370s {7.8 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> [CCD #0] ExposureStatus changed to "ExposureStatusReadOut"
 [5016]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m22.371s {773 µs} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> [CCD #0] enter ReadImage
 [5016]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m22.382s {10.8 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> Going to use ASIGetDataAfterExp (CamID=0) sizeX=4784 sizeY=3194 BinningX=2 BinningY=2 ROI -> X1=1,Y1=1,X2=9576,Y2=6388
 [5016]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m22.388s {6.6 ms} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> ReadImage Error, loop error at 0,0 index=0-> Cannot retrieve camera Data, ASIGetDataAfterExp 16bits (Err=11)
 [5016]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m23.660s {1.3 s} : [ZWO CAMERA library (1)]-> [CCD #0] ExposureStatus changed to "ExposureStatusEnded"
@[12644]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m25.291s {1.6 s} : [HiresTimer] Ontimer proc will be executed soon : 3164 Owner="Temp_TimerPanelCCD"
 [12644]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m30.290s {5.0 s} : [HiresTimer] Ontimer proc will be executed soon : 3164 Owner="Temp_TimerPanelCCD"
 [12644]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m35.290s {5.0 s} : [HiresTimer] Ontimer proc will be executed soon : 3164 Owner="Temp_TimerPanelCCD"
 [12644]: TU 2020-04-29  18h25m40.291s {5.0 s} : [HiresTimer] Ontimer proc will be executed soon : 3164 Owner="Temp_TimerPanelCCD"
@[Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h29m46.174s {245.0 s} : Save periodic config -Start-
 [Main]: TU 2020-04-29  18h29m47.007s {830.7 ms} : Save periodic config -End-
Thierry Legault
Messages : 22
Enregistré le : 02 mai 2010, 04:39

Re: Nouvelle caméra ASI6200MM : Blocage en binning

Message par Thierry Legault »

On y voit bien 3 paramètres intéressants : binning hard/soft, high speed (12 bits en high speed, 16 bits sinon) et antidewheater (réchauffage hublot)

Je ne les trouve pas dans le panneau de commande Prism, je pense qu'il faudrait les rajouter. Par exemple le réchauffage hublot, c'est important qu'il soit activé, or actuellement on ne sait pas quelle est la valeur par défaut.
Cyril Cavadore
Messages : 4493
Enregistré le : 18 juin 2009, 22:41
Localisation : 42

Re: Nouvelle caméra ASI6200MM : Blocage en binning

Message par Cyril Cavadore »


Sf erreur de ma part, je n'ai pas vu quelle version de prism tu utilises

En cas de doute, essaie celle ci ...

Je viens d'essayer le binning 2x2 avec cette camera et ca marche tres bien

Utiliser toujours la deniere version de ASICamera2.dll

Il y a la gestion du rechauffage de fenetre dans l'onglet temperature de la camera.

Cyril Cavadore, ALCOR-SYSTEM, Auteur de PRISM

Pour reporter vos problème, la marche à suivre est ici
Thierry Legault
Messages : 22
Enregistré le : 02 mai 2010, 04:39

Re: Nouvelle caméra ASI6200MM : Blocage en binning

Message par Thierry Legault »

merci Cyril pour les infos, j'ai remplacé les fichiers par ceux de l'update mais le problème se produit toujours. En fait, en creusant je vois qu'une fois que j'ai fermé le message d'erreur, si je relance une pose là ça fonctionne. Ca fait :
- lancement d'une pose en bin1 : OK
- passage en bin2 et lancement d'une pose : message d'erreur
- relance de poses après fermeture du message d'erreur (sans changer le binning) : OK
- si je rechange le binning, quel que soit le changement (2 vers 3, 2 vers 1, 1 vers 3...) le phénomène recommence : message d'erreur sur la 1ère pose puis ensuite OK sur les poses suivantes.

Donc ce n'est pas bloquant, il suffit d'acquitter le message d'erreur sur la 1ère pose après changement de binning.

Pour la version que j'utilisais avant, du coup je ne sais plus vu que j'ai remplacé les fichiers, mais comme j'autorise les mises à jour au lancement de Prism, je suppose que ça devait être la dernière.
Cyril Cavadore
Messages : 4493
Enregistré le : 18 juin 2009, 22:41
Localisation : 42

Re: Nouvelle caméra ASI6200MM : Blocage en binning

Message par Cyril Cavadore »

Bon, ci dessous il y a un PDF
ZWO Catch SDK LOG manul.pdf
(828.06 Kio) Téléchargé 635 fois
Pour realiser un fichier LOG qui lui concerne le driver ZWO.
Ca serait interessant d'en faire la sortie et que je le passe a ZWO.
Cyril Cavadore, ALCOR-SYSTEM, Auteur de PRISM

Pour reporter vos problème, la marche à suivre est ici
Thierry Legault
Messages : 22
Enregistré le : 02 mai 2010, 04:39

Re: Nouvelle caméra ASI6200MM : Blocage en binning

Message par Thierry Legault »

ok merci je vais faire la manip, je dois être empoté mais impossible de trouver cet utilitaire DebugView dont ils parlent dans le pdf :?