OBS-AUTO : Eviter la proximité de la Lune

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Patrice Le Guen
Messages : 281
Enregistré le : 19 janv. 2014, 18:06
Localisation : Toulon
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OBS-AUTO : Eviter la proximité de la Lune

Message par Patrice Le Guen »


Vous me corrigerez dans le cas contraire mais si j’ai bien compris, le paramètre « Eviter la proximité de la Lune » permet d’éviter de pointer un objet qui se situerai dans un rayon de la valeur « MoonDistMin » autour de la Lune.
Après quelques ratés sur le ciel étoilé sur plusieurs nuits autour de la pleine lune de fin juillet, j’ai rédigé un tableau de quelques tests réalisés en mode simulation. Dans la colonne MoonDistMin j’ai indiqué la valeur que j’ai renseigné dans la case « Distance minimum » pour « Eviter la proximité de la Lune » pour laquelle l’objet est effectivement évité. Il s’agit d’une valeur trouvée par dichotomie après de multiples essais.

Date heure (UTC) Coordonnées Lune Objet Coordonnées objet Distance de l'objet à la Lune MoonDistMin
27/07/2018 23:36 20h31m50.985s | -19°41'06.51'' M17 18h20m48.003s | -16°11'00.00'' 31°51'18'' 12
27/07/2018 23:50 20h34m25.861s | -19°33'46.84'' SH2-52 19h47m46.659s | -23°03'04.47'' 11°24'02'' 27
28/07/2018 00:11 20h34m49.464s | -19°32'20.80'' BSC7822 20h28m51.600s | -17°48'49.00'' 02°13'53'' 26
28/07/2018 00:19 20h34m59.927s | -19°31'41.20'' M73 20h59m00.000s | -12°38'00.00'' 08°59'04'' 21
Par exemple M17 est à 31° de la Lune. Si j’ai bien compris cette fonctionnalité et que je veux éviter de pointer M17 ce jour-là je dois mettre la valeur MoonDistMin à 32° ou plus. Or, après de multiples essais, il se révèle que M17 est effectivement évitée mais à partir d’une valeur MoonDistMin=12°.
Pour SH2-52 qui est à 11° de la Lune. Si je veux éviter de le pointer je dois mettre, en théorie, MoonDistMin=12° ou plus. Or, dans la pratique, il faut que je mette MoonDistMin>=27° pour qu’il soit évité.
Pour BSC7822 qui est à 2° de la Lune je dois mettre, en théorie, MoonDistMin =3° ou plus pour l’éviter. Or, dans la pratique, il faut que je mette MoonDistMin>=26° pour l’éviter.
Pour M73 qui est à 8° de la Lune je dois mettre, en théorie, MoonDistMin =9° ou plus pour l’éviter. Or, dans la pratique, il faut que je mette MoonDistMin>=21° pour l’éviter.
Ce paramètre me semble mal pris en compte par PRISM. Avec la pleine lune du 26 août, avez-vous rencontré ce genre d'incohérence lors de vos observations automatiques ?

PS : Ma configuration (setup)
PRISM du 17/07/2018
Mini PC MSI Cubi 041EU
Windows 10 Famille en 64 bits – version 1803 - version OS 17134.228 August 14, 2018—KB4343909
Processeur Intel(R)_Core(TM)_i3-5005U CPU @ 2.00GHz
Disque dur SSD 128Go TS128GMSA370
Mémoire utilisable 3.88Go
Résolution 2048x1536
ASCOM Platform 6.3 –
Monture allemande EM200 alimentée en 24V Temma 2Jr et driver ASCOM Telescope driver for Takahashi Temma protocols 6.2.5
Caméra principale Acquisition CCD QSI583WSG pilote du 16/11/2012 Firmware 5.2.6
Caméra secondaire Autoguider i-Nova PLA-MX hors axe 17mm et driver ASCOM I_Nova Camera Driver Pilote Windows PLA-MX CCD Camera du 19/10/2010.
Contrôle de focalisation : USB-Focuser 2 v1.0.31 du 04/10/2017 (Pierro-Astro) + moteur Robofocus
Gestion d’interrupteurs IP9258FR Release Version : V4.01 2013/04/18
Serveur série MOXA NP5210A Firmware version=0x1020000
Onduleur FSP NANO 600
Modem routeur NETGEAR DGN2200v4 Firmware V1.0.0.58_1.0.58
Cyril Cavadore
Messages : 4508
Enregistré le : 18 juin 2009, 22:41
Localisation : 42

Re: OBS-AUTO : Eviter la proximité de la Lune

Message par Cyril Cavadore »

Je vais regarder, mais y a en fait une methode plus fine que j'ai sous le coude, et que j'ai pas encore implémentée faute de temps.
Cyril Cavadore, ALCOR-SYSTEM, Auteur de PRISM

Pour reporter vos problème, la marche à suivre est ici
Patrice Le Guen
Messages : 281
Enregistré le : 19 janv. 2014, 18:06
Localisation : Toulon
Contact :

Re: OBS-AUTO : Eviter la proximité de la Lune

Message par Patrice Le Guen »


Dans l'obs auto je défini un rayon de 29.3°dans le champ de l'onglet "Telescope" "Eviter la proximité de la Lune" qui correspond à un cercle de rayon 29.3° centré sur la Lune et dans lequel le pointage est normalement interdit.
29.3 a 29.4.jpg
Je programme l'obs auto en mode simulé le jour de la pleine lune du 17/01/2022 pour pointer Pollux situé à environ 4° de la Lune.
Pollux à 4° de la lune.jpg
Malgré cette zone interdite le télescope pointe quand même Pollux.
Pointage de pollux à 4° or rayon interdit de 29.4°.jpg
Si je mets 29.4° comme valeur alors PRISM passe à l'objet suivant.

Code : Tout sélectionner

[Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h16m48.983s {678 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> out 07h45m18.570s +28°01'34.45''
@[3496]: TU 2022-01-17  21h16m49.218s {231.1 ms} : [ObsAuto] Soleil en "descente"
 [3496]: TU 2022-01-17  21h16m49.221s {2.4 ms} : [Obs_Auto_intLog] IsElvProfOK Pollux (BSC2990) -> AZ : 107.8° ELV 58.8°
 [3496]: TU 2022-01-17  21h16m49.222s {888 µs} : [Obs_Auto_intLog] IsElvProfOK, passed horizon profile, checking for Tel.ElevationMinObject
 [3496]: TU 2022-01-17  21h16m49.223s {820 µs} : [Obs_Auto_intLog] IsElvProfOK, OK can be a candidate
 [3496]: TU 2022-01-17  21h16m49.223s {835 µs} : [ObsAuto] Objet Pollux (BSC2990) (Filtre=1) éliminé : trop pres de la Lune !@
 [3496]: TU 2022-01-17  21h16m49.226s {2.1 ms} : [ObsAuto] Attend pour de meilleures conditions concernant le prochain objet...@

A toutes fins utiles je joins le LOG, mais pour ce qui me concerne je ne trouve aucune piste de solution à ce problème. J'ai simplement noté une valeur de déclinaison exprimée en HMS (DEC = 01h51m54.862s) ce que je trouve inhabituel.

Code : Tout sélectionner

[2588]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m43.934s {1.7 ms} : [ObsAuto] Démarrage de l'observation automatique (Version
 [2588]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m43.939s {4.7 ms} : [ObsAuto] Va démarrer le matériel immédiatement@
@[Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m43.943s {3.9 ms} : [ObsAuto] [Camera] Caméra principale deja connectée
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m43.947s {3.8 ms} : [ObsAuto] [Camera] Caméra principale deja connectée
@[2588]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m43.951s {4.1 ms} : [ObsAuto] [Dome] Pas d'ouverture de de dome/abri requis !@
 [2588]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m43.955s {3.9 ms} : [Obs_Auto_intLog] Display infos enter
@[16204]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m43.956s {782 µs} : [ObsAuto] [Méteo] Démarrage du processus de surveillance@
@[2588]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m43.961s {5.5 ms} : [ObsAuto] Pas de système de focalisation actif.
 [2588]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m43.965s {3.9 ms} : [Obs_Auto_intLog] primary focuser passed
 [2588]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m43.966s {707 µs} : [ObsAuto] Pas de roue à filtres.
 [2588]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m43.969s {3.2 ms} : [Obs_Auto_intLog] filter passed
 [2588]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m43.970s {729 µs} : [ObsAuto] Système de position de telescope : Simulator
 [2588]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m43.973s {2.9 ms} : [Obs_Auto_intLog] encoders passed
 [2588]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m43.974s {698 µs} : [ObsAuto] Système de pilotage de telescope : Simulator
 [2588]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m43.977s {2.9 ms} : [Obs_Auto_intLog] engine passed
 [2588]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m43.977s {683 µs} : [ObsAuto] Pas de système dome/abri.
@[Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m43.979s {1.8 ms} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> in 07h46m36.880s +27°58'44.43''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m43.980s {485 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> (all arcsec) refract=31.186, abb diurne=0.207, nutation=20.941, precess=1101.339, totald=1053.656
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m43.980s {821 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> out 07h45m18.377s +28°01'35.49''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m43.981s {764 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> in 07h46m36.880s +27°58'44.43''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m43.982s {718 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> (all arcsec) refract=31.186, abb diurne=0.207, nutation=20.941, precess=1101.339, totald=1053.656
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m43.983s {715 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> out 07h45m18.377s +28°01'35.49''
@[2588]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m43.983s {866 µs} : [Obs_Auto_intLog] dome passed
 [2588]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m43.984s {722 µs} : [ObsAuto] Pas de station météo.
 [2588]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m43.987s {2.4 ms} : [Obs_Auto_intLog] weatherstation passed
 [2588]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m43.987s {646 µs} : [ObsAuto] Pas de système de mesure de couverture nuageuse.
 [2588]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m43.989s {1.8 ms} : [Obs_Auto_intLog] cloudSkyMon passed
 [2588]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m43.990s {579 µs} : [ObsAuto] Camera primaire : Camera CCD Demo
 [2588]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m43.993s {3.1 ms} : [Obs_Auto_intLog] maincamera passed
 [2588]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m43.993s {628 µs} : [Obs_Auto_intLog] seccamera passed
 [2588]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m43.994s {586 µs} : [ObsAuto] Monture Allemande détectée : retournement au méridien possible
 [2588]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m43.997s {2.5 ms} : [Obs_Auto_intLog] german mount status passed
 [2588]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m43.997s {691 µs} : [Obs_Auto_intLog] Display infos completed
 [2588]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m43.998s {650 µs} : [ObsAuto] La matériel a été démarré, attend les bonnes conditions@
 [2588]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.001s {2.6 ms} : [ObsAuto] Début immédiat de l'observation automatique.
 [2588]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.004s {3.6 ms} : Obs_Auto : WaitConditionsDepart completed
 [2588]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.005s {627 µs} : [ObsAuto] [Telescope] Vérification du status de parking du telescope
 [2588]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.008s {3.0 ms} : [ObsAuto] Durée des poses totales (H:M:S) -> 00:01:00
 [2588]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.012s {3.7 ms} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> in 07h46m36.880s +27°58'44.43''
 [2588]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.012s {620 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> (all arcsec) refract=31.186, abb diurne=0.207, nutation=20.941, precess=1101.339, totald=1053.656
 [2588]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.013s {630 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> out 07h45m18.377s +28°01'35.49''
 [2588]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.014s {719 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> in 07h46m36.880s +27°58'44.43''
 [2588]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.015s {820 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> (all arcsec) refract=31.186, abb diurne=0.207, nutation=20.941, precess=1101.339, totald=1053.656
 [2588]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.015s {729 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> out 07h45m18.377s +28°01'35.49''
 [2588]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.016s {658 µs} : [ObsAuto] Soleil en "descente"
 [2588]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.017s {1.0 ms} : [Obs_Auto_intLog] IsElvProfOK Pollux (BSC2990) -> AZ : 111.1° ELV 60.9°
 [2588]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.018s {670 µs} : [Obs_Auto_intLog] IsElvProfOK, passed horizon profile, checking for Tel.ElevationMinObject
 [2588]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.018s {588 µs} : [Obs_Auto_intLog] IsElvProfOK, OK can be a candidate
 [2588]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.019s {583 µs} : [ObsAuto] [Telescope] Déplace le télescope sur cet objet -> Pollux (BSC2990)
 [2588]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.021s {2.1 ms} : [ObsAuto] [Telescope] Pointage sur ALPHA= 07h45m19s DELTA=+28°01'34''
 [2588]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.025s {3.7 ms} : ConvertRADEC2000_to_RADECobs -> out 07h45m18.900s +28°01'34.00''
 [2588]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.026s {692 µs} : ConvertRADEC2000_to_RADECobs -> (all arcsec) refract= 31.188, abb diurne=0.207, nutation=20.940, precess=1101.339, total=1153.675
 [2588]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.026s {674 µs} : ConvertRADEC2000_to_RADECobs -> in 07h46m37.402s +27°58'42.93''
 [2588]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.027s {780 µs} : [ObsAuto] [Télescope] Utilise le profil d'horizon avancé
@[Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.030s {2.8 ms} : [PointTelescopeGeneral] entrée
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.031s {929 µs} : [PointTelescopeGeneral] OK, no pointing pending, let's proceed..
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.032s {761 µs} : [PointTelescopeGeneral] Request pointing to RA2000=07h45m19s DEC2000=+28°01'34''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.032s {723 µs} : ConvertRADEC2000_to_RADECobs -> out 07h45m18.900s +28°01'34.00''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.033s {665 µs} : ConvertRADEC2000_to_RADECobs -> (all arcsec) refract= 31.188, abb diurne=0.207, nutation=20.940, precess=1101.339, total=1153.675
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.034s {639 µs} : ConvertRADEC2000_to_RADECobs -> in 07h46m37.402s +27°58'42.93''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.034s {639 µs} : [PointTelescopeGeneral] Computed topo+local + refraction
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.035s {633 µs} : [PointTelescopeGeneral] Lat=43.161389 ° Long=-5.883333 °
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.036s {708 µs} : [PointTelescopeGeneral] Dome processing beginning
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.037s {694 µs} : [PointTelescopeGeneral] Dome processing completed
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.037s {692 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] Command FSetCommand -> 1
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.038s {642 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] Command started -> Get_PierSideDestination
@[6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.039s {647 µs} : [ASCOM telescope thread order] {GetDestinationSideofPierASCOM} Start
 [6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.039s {766 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] ASCOM.Simulator.Telescope,Est du pied
 [6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.040s {654 µs} : [ASCOM telescope thread order] {GetDestinationSideofPierASCOM} DestinationSideOfPier for 07h46m37s +27°58'43'' is...(end)
@[Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.041s {719 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] Command done -> Get_PierSideDestination
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.041s {649 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] (GetOrientationMountOnEndSlewing) Orientation at destination  : Est du pied
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.042s {617 µs} : [PointTelescopeGeneral] orientation monture en cours : Ouest du pied, orientation en fin de pointage : Est du pied  RAdest = 07h46m37s DECdest = +27°58'43''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.043s {601 µs} : [PointTelescopeGeneral] Current AH=-2.087 h Destination AH=-2.087 h
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.043s {567 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> in 07h46m37.402s +27°58'42.93''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.044s {598 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> (all arcsec) refract=31.188, abb diurne=0.207, nutation=20.941, precess=1101.339, totald=1053.654
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.044s {616 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> out 07h45m18.900s +28°01'34.00''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.045s {652 µs} : [PointTelescopeGeneral] J2000.0 Verification distance : 0.0 "
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.046s {595 µs} : [PointTelescopeGeneral] now send target coordonaites to driver
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.046s {667 µs} : TTelescopeSeeker.Create going to RA = 07h46m37.402s DEC = 01h51m54.862s
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.047s {711 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] [TTelescopeSeeker_ASCOM] Apparent destination -> 07h46m37.402s +27°58'42.93''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.048s {612 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] [TTelescopeSeeker_ASCOM] RA2000 destination -> 07h45m18.900s +28°01'34.00''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.048s {654 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] [TTelescopeSeeker_ASCOM] ASCOM_equLocalTopocentric seek
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.049s {676 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] [TTelescopeSeeker_ASCOM] Refraction managed by mount
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.050s {608 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] [TTelescopeSeeker_ASCOM] @@@@@@@@@@@ seek as coordinates above (sent to driver)-> 07h46m37.402s +27°58'42.93'' @@@@@@@@@@@ 
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.050s {611 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] Command FSetCommand -> 1
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.051s {578 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] Command started -> Get_periodicInfos
@[6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.051s {564 µs} : [ASCOM telescope thread order] {status} Ask coordinates enter (begin)
 [6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.052s {648 µs} : [ASCOM telescope thread order] {status} RA/DEC Ok
 [6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.053s {556 µs} : [ASCOM telescope thread order] {status} AtPark is False
 [6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.053s {544 µs} : [ASCOM telescope thread order] {status} Tracking is active
 [6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.054s {630 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] ASCOM.Simulator.Telescope,Ouest du pied
 [6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.055s {598 µs} : [ASCOM telescope thread order] {status} NOT Slewing
 [6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.055s {588 µs} : [ASCOM telescope thread order] {status} RightAscensionRate -> 0.00
 [6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.056s {556 µs} : [ASCOM telescope thread order] {status} DeclinationRate -> 0.00
 [6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.056s {565 µs} : [ASCOM telescope thread order] {status} Ask coordinates/status 07h46m37s +27°58'44'' Parked=FALSE Tracking=TRUE Slewing=FALSE (end)
 [6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.057s {687 µs} : [ASCOM telescope thread order] {status} done, Exit proc
@[Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.058s {618 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] Command done -> Get_periodicInfos
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.058s {687 µs} : [PointTelescopeGeneral] pointage télescope sur le point de démarrer, thread=30D4
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.059s {673 µs} : [PointTelescopeGeneral] pointage télescope en cours...
@[14688]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.060s {610 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] (Thread seeker) Execute start
 [14688]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.060s {554 µs} : [CheckDestination_HRZ] enter
@[Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.061s {628 µs} : [PointTelescopeGeneral] sortie
@[14688]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.061s {545 µs} : [CheckDestination_HRZ] Will use user profile horizon data, AZ dest = 110.8°  ELV dest = 60.6°
 [14688]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.062s {624 µs} : [CheckDestination_HRZ] Horizon dependant OK
 [14688]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.063s {574 µs} : [CheckDestination_HRZ] exit
 [14688]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.063s {597 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] (Thread seeker) Start telescope slewing
 [14688]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.064s {600 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] Command FSetCommand -> 1
 [14688]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.064s {561 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] Command started -> Do_SlewTelescopeAt
@[6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.065s {557 µs} : [ASCOM telescope thread order] {DOSlewTelescopeAt} SlewPointing to 07h46m37s +27°58'43'' (begin)
 [6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.066s {870 µs} : [ASCOM telescope thread order] {DOSlewTelescopeAt} SlewPointing coordinates set
 [6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.066s {571 µs} : [ASCOM telescope thread order] {DOSlewTelescopeAt} Slew Async start !
 [6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.067s {608 µs} : [ASCOM telescope thread order] {DOSlewTelescopeAt} Slew Async returned !
 [6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.068s {618 µs} : [ASCOM telescope thread order] {DOSlewTelescopeAt} End
@[14688]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.068s {609 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] Command done -> Do_SlewTelescopeAt
@[Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.478s {402.2 ms} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> in 07h46m36.880s +27°58'44.43''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.479s {780 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> (all arcsec) refract=31.184, abb diurne=0.207, nutation=20.941, precess=1101.339, totald=1053.658
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.480s {734 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> out 07h45m18.377s +28°01'35.49''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.481s {716 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> in 07h46m36.880s +27°58'44.43''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.481s {746 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> (all arcsec) refract=31.184, abb diurne=0.207, nutation=20.941, precess=1101.339, totald=1053.658
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.482s {748 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> out 07h45m18.377s +28°01'35.49''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.510s {27.7 ms} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> in 07h46m36.880s +27°58'44.43''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.511s {776 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> (all arcsec) refract=31.184, abb diurne=0.207, nutation=20.941, precess=1101.339, totald=1053.658
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.512s {763 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> out 07h45m18.377s +28°01'35.49''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.513s {751 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> in 07h46m36.880s +27°58'44.43''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.513s {794 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> (all arcsec) refract=31.184, abb diurne=0.207, nutation=20.941, precess=1101.339, totald=1053.658
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.514s {755 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> out 07h45m18.377s +28°01'35.49''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.515s {1.1 ms} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> in 07h46m36.880s +27°58'44.43''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.516s {712 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> (all arcsec) refract=31.184, abb diurne=0.207, nutation=20.941, precess=1101.339, totald=1053.658
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.517s {715 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> out 07h45m18.377s +28°01'35.49''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.517s {635 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> in 07h46m36.880s +27°58'44.43''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.518s {759 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> (all arcsec) refract=31.184, abb diurne=0.207, nutation=20.941, precess=1101.339, totald=1053.658
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.519s {704 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> out 07h45m18.377s +28°01'35.49''
@[14688]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.570s {49.6 ms} : [ASCOM telescope] (Thread seeker) Telescope slewing
@[9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.606s {35.5 ms} : [ASCOM telescope] (Check) enter (1660)
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.606s {757 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] Command FSetCommand -> 1
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.607s {857 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] Command started -> Get_periodicInfos
@[6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.608s {775 µs} : [ASCOM telescope thread order] {status} Ask coordinates enter (begin)
 [6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.609s {774 µs} : [ASCOM telescope thread order] {status} RA/DEC Ok
 [6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.610s {754 µs} : [ASCOM telescope thread order] {status} AtPark is False
 [6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.610s {725 µs} : [ASCOM telescope thread order] {status} Tracking is active
 [6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.611s {720 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] ASCOM.Simulator.Telescope,Ouest du pied
 [6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.612s {729 µs} : [ASCOM telescope thread order] {status} NOT Slewing
 [6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.613s {710 µs} : [ASCOM telescope thread order] {status} RightAscensionRate -> 0.00
 [6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.613s {853 µs} : [ASCOM telescope thread order] {status} DeclinationRate -> 0.00
 [6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.614s {690 µs} : [ASCOM telescope thread order] {status} Ask coordinates/status 07h46m37s +27°58'43'' Parked=FALSE Tracking=TRUE Slewing=FALSE (end)
 [6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.615s {692 µs} : [ASCOM telescope thread order] {status} done, Exit proc
@[9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.616s {650 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] Command done -> Get_periodicInfos
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.616s {549 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] (Check) command processed
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.617s {583 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] (Check) ASCOM_equLocalTopocentric 07h46m37s +27°58'43''
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.617s {549 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] (Check) SideofPier=1
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.618s {592 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] (Check) Istracking=TRUE
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.618s {570 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] (Check) Isparked  =FALSE
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.619s {545 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] (Check) ASCOM_equLocalTopocentric 07h46m37s +27°58'43''
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.620s {543 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> in 07h46m37.152s +27°58'42.93''
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.620s {546 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> (all arcsec) refract=31.185, abb diurne=0.207, nutation=20.941, precess=1101.340, totald=1053.657
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.621s {573 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> out 07h45m18.649s +28°01'33.99''
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.621s {592 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] (Check) ASCOM_equLocalTopocentric (Mount does handle refraction) J2000.0-> 07h45m19s +28°01'34''
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.622s {556 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] (Check) exit (1660)
@[Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.978s {349.0 ms} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> in 07h46m37.152s +27°58'42.93''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.978s {690 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> (all arcsec) refract=31.184, abb diurne=0.207, nutation=20.941, precess=1101.340, totald=1053.659
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.979s {641 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> out 07h45m18.649s +28°01'33.99''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.980s {689 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> in 07h46m37.152s +27°58'42.93''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.980s {712 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> (all arcsec) refract=31.184, abb diurne=0.207, nutation=20.941, precess=1101.340, totald=1053.659
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m44.981s {628 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> out 07h45m18.649s +28°01'33.99''
@[14688]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m45.071s {88.4 ms} : [ASCOM telescope] (Thread seeker) Telescope slewing
@[Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m45.477s {398.3 ms} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> in 07h46m37.152s +27°58'42.93''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m45.478s {777 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> (all arcsec) refract=31.182, abb diurne=0.207, nutation=20.941, precess=1101.340, totald=1053.661
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m45.479s {773 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> out 07h45m18.649s +28°01'34.00''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m45.480s {825 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> in 07h46m37.152s +27°58'42.93''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m45.481s {902 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> (all arcsec) refract=31.182, abb diurne=0.207, nutation=20.941, precess=1101.340, totald=1053.661
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m45.481s {775 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> out 07h45m18.649s +28°01'34.00''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m45.509s {26.9 ms} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> in 07h46m37.152s +27°58'42.93''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m45.510s {824 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> (all arcsec) refract=31.182, abb diurne=0.207, nutation=20.941, precess=1101.340, totald=1053.661
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m45.510s {753 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> out 07h45m18.649s +28°01'34.00''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m45.511s {792 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> in 07h46m37.152s +27°58'42.93''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m45.512s {827 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> (all arcsec) refract=31.182, abb diurne=0.207, nutation=20.941, precess=1101.340, totald=1053.661
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m45.513s {798 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> out 07h45m18.649s +28°01'34.00''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m45.514s {1.5 ms} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> in 07h46m37.152s +27°58'42.93''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m45.515s {857 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> (all arcsec) refract=31.182, abb diurne=0.207, nutation=20.941, precess=1101.340, totald=1053.661
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m45.516s {741 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> out 07h45m18.649s +28°01'34.00''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m45.517s {824 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> in 07h46m37.152s +27°58'42.93''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m45.518s {731 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> (all arcsec) refract=31.182, abb diurne=0.207, nutation=20.941, precess=1101.340, totald=1053.661
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m45.518s {739 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> out 07h45m18.649s +28°01'34.00''
@[14688]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m45.573s {53.3 ms} : [ASCOM telescope] (Thread seeker) Telescope slewing
 [14688]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m45.574s {739 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] (Thread seeker) Telescope slewing ended
@[2588]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m45.574s {931 µs} : [ObsAuto] [Telescope] Tube coté Ouest du pied visant l'Est
 [2588]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m45.575s {755 µs} : [ObsAuto] [Filtres] requis n°1
 [2588]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m45.579s {4.1 ms} : [ObsAuto] [Filtres] Pas de roue à filtres !$
 [2588]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m45.588s {8.3 ms} : [ObsAuto] [Télescope] Un retournement de monture n'a pas été signalé
 [2588]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m45.590s {2.1 ms} : [ObsAuto] [Foc] Pas de focuser actif !$
 [2588]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m45.594s {4.1 ms} : ConvertRADEC2000_to_RADECobs -> out 07h45m18.900s +28°01'34.00''
 [2588]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m45.595s {754 µs} : ConvertRADEC2000_to_RADECobs -> (all arcsec) refract= 31.183, abb diurne=0.207, nutation=20.940, precess=1101.339, total=1153.669
 [2588]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m45.596s {707 µs} : ConvertRADEC2000_to_RADECobs -> in 07h46m37.402s +27°58'42.93''
 [2588]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m45.596s {710 µs} : [ObsAuto] [Telescope] OK, pas de passage au méridien pendant la pose@
 [2588]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m45.599s {2.4 ms} : [ObsAuto] [Camera] Prépare une pose de 60.0 sec, en binning 1x1
 [2588]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m45.603s {3.8 ms} : [ObsAuto] [Camera] Taille image CCD X1=1 Y1=1 X2=1000 Y2=1000
@[9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m45.605s {2.1 ms} : [ASCOM telescope] (Check) enter (1661)
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m45.606s {762 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] Command FSetCommand -> 1
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m45.607s {797 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] Command started -> Get_periodicInfos
@[6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m45.607s {771 µs} : [ASCOM telescope thread order] {status} Ask coordinates enter (begin)
@[2588]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m45.608s {799 µs} : [ObsAuto] [Camera] Prepare une pose BinX=1 BinY=1  MiroirX=0  MiroirY=0 Qtour=0 Pose=60.00 sec
@[6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m45.609s {720 µs} : [ASCOM telescope thread order] {status} RA/DEC Ok
 [6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m45.610s {708 µs} : [ASCOM telescope thread order] {status} AtPark is False
 [6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m45.610s {719 µs} : [ASCOM telescope thread order] {status} Tracking is active
@[2588]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m45.611s {786 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> in 07h46m37.152s +27°58'42.93''
@[6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m45.612s {700 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] ASCOM.Simulator.Telescope,Ouest du pied
@[2588]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m45.613s {690 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> (all arcsec) refract=31.182, abb diurne=0.207, nutation=20.941, precess=1101.340, totald=1053.661
@[6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m45.613s {701 µs} : [ASCOM telescope thread order] {status} NOT Slewing
@[2588]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m45.614s {738 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> out 07h45m18.649s +28°01'34.00''
@[6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m45.615s {715 µs} : [ASCOM telescope thread order] {status} RightAscensionRate -> 0.00
@[2588]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m45.615s {678 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> in 07h46m37.152s +27°58'42.93''
 [2588]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m45.616s {685 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> (all arcsec) refract=31.182, abb diurne=0.207, nutation=20.941, precess=1101.340, totald=1053.661
 [2588]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m45.617s {646 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> out 07h45m18.649s +28°01'34.00''
@[6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m45.617s {720 µs} : [ASCOM telescope thread order] {status} DeclinationRate -> 0.00
 [6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m45.618s {637 µs} : [ASCOM telescope thread order] {status} Ask coordinates/status 07h46m37s +27°58'43'' Parked=FALSE Tracking=TRUE Slewing=FALSE (end)
 [6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m45.619s {615 µs} : [ASCOM telescope thread order] {status} done, Exit proc
@[9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m45.619s {707 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] Command done -> Get_periodicInfos
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m45.620s {725 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] (Check) command processed
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m45.621s {680 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] (Check) ASCOM_equLocalTopocentric 07h46m37s +27°58'43''
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m45.622s {666 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] (Check) SideofPier=1
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m45.622s {668 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] (Check) Istracking=TRUE
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m45.623s {683 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] (Check) Isparked  =FALSE
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m45.624s {665 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] (Check) ASCOM_equLocalTopocentric 07h46m37s +27°58'43''
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m45.624s {665 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> in 07h46m37.151s +27°58'42.93''
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m45.625s {650 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> (all arcsec) refract=31.182, abb diurne=0.207, nutation=20.941, precess=1101.340, totald=1053.661
@[2588]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m45.626s {662 µs} : [ObsAuto] [Camera] Pose démarrée !
@[9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m45.626s {698 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> out 07h45m18.649s +28°01'34.00''
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m45.627s {653 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] (Check) ASCOM_equLocalTopocentric (Mount does handle refraction) J2000.0-> 07h45m19s +28°01'34''
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m45.628s {667 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] (Check) exit (1661)
@[7960]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m45.825s {193.2 ms} : [HiresTimer] Ontimer proc will be executed soon : 1F18 Owner="Timer_OnTimerEventExposure_Virtual_MAIN"
@[Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m45.978s {150.6 ms} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> in 07h46m37.151s +27°58'42.93''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m45.979s {862 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> (all arcsec) refract=31.180, abb diurne=0.207, nutation=20.941, precess=1101.340, totald=1053.662
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m45.980s {803 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> out 07h45m18.649s +28°01'34.00''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m45.981s {772 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> in 07h46m37.151s +27°58'42.93''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m45.982s {988 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> (all arcsec) refract=31.180, abb diurne=0.207, nutation=20.941, precess=1101.340, totald=1053.662
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m45.983s {745 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> out 07h45m18.649s +28°01'34.00''
@[7960]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m46.025s {41.4 ms} : [HiresTimer] Ontimer proc will be executed soon : 1F18 Owner="Timer_OnTimerEventExposure_Virtual_MAIN"
 [7960]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m46.225s {196.2 ms} : [HiresTimer] Ontimer proc will be executed soon : 1F18 Owner="Timer_OnTimerEventExposure_Virtual_MAIN"
 [7960]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m46.425s {196.3 ms} : [HiresTimer] Ontimer proc will be executed soon : 1F18 Owner="Timer_OnTimerEventExposure_Virtual_MAIN"
@[Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m46.479s {52.7 ms} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> in 07h46m37.151s +27°58'42.93''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m46.479s {790 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> (all arcsec) refract=31.178, abb diurne=0.207, nutation=20.941, precess=1101.340, totald=1053.664
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m46.480s {792 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> out 07h45m18.649s +28°01'34.00''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m46.481s {793 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> in 07h46m37.151s +27°58'42.93''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m46.482s {889 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> (all arcsec) refract=31.178, abb diurne=0.207, nutation=20.941, precess=1101.340, totald=1053.664
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m46.483s {907 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> out 07h45m18.649s +28°01'34.00''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m46.509s {25.9 ms} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> in 07h46m37.151s +27°58'42.93''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m46.510s {847 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> (all arcsec) refract=31.178, abb diurne=0.207, nutation=20.941, precess=1101.340, totald=1053.664
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m46.511s {798 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> out 07h45m18.649s +28°01'34.00''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m46.512s {756 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> in 07h46m37.151s +27°58'42.93''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m46.512s {767 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> (all arcsec) refract=31.178, abb diurne=0.207, nutation=20.941, precess=1101.340, totald=1053.664
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m46.513s {823 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> out 07h45m18.649s +28°01'34.00''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m46.514s {1.1 ms} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> in 07h46m37.151s +27°58'42.93''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m46.515s {989 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> (all arcsec) refract=31.178, abb diurne=0.207, nutation=20.941, precess=1101.340, totald=1053.664
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m46.516s {938 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> out 07h45m18.649s +28°01'34.00''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m46.517s {796 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> in 07h46m37.151s +27°58'42.93''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m46.518s {666 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> (all arcsec) refract=31.178, abb diurne=0.207, nutation=20.941, precess=1101.340, totald=1053.664
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m46.519s {728 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> out 07h45m18.649s +28°01'34.00''
@[9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m46.605s {85.2 ms} : [ASCOM telescope] (Check) enter (1662)
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m46.606s {770 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] Command FSetCommand -> 1
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m46.607s {747 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] Command started -> Get_periodicInfos
@[6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m46.608s {761 µs} : [ASCOM telescope thread order] {status} Ask coordinates enter (begin)
 [6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m46.609s {712 µs} : [ASCOM telescope thread order] {status} RA/DEC Ok
 [6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m46.609s {710 µs} : [ASCOM telescope thread order] {status} AtPark is False
 [6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m46.610s {726 µs} : [ASCOM telescope thread order] {status} Tracking is active
 [6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m46.611s {710 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] ASCOM.Simulator.Telescope,Ouest du pied
 [6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m46.611s {663 µs} : [ASCOM telescope thread order] {status} NOT Slewing
 [6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m46.612s {689 µs} : [ASCOM telescope thread order] {status} RightAscensionRate -> 0.00
 [6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m46.613s {615 µs} : [ASCOM telescope thread order] {status} DeclinationRate -> 0.00
 [6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m46.613s {670 µs} : [ASCOM telescope thread order] {status} Ask coordinates/status 07h46m37s +27°58'43'' Parked=FALSE Tracking=TRUE Slewing=FALSE (end)
 [6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m46.614s {612 µs} : [ASCOM telescope thread order] {status} done, Exit proc
@[9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m46.615s {744 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] Command done -> Get_periodicInfos
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m46.615s {620 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] (Check) command processed
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m46.616s {733 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] (Check) ASCOM_equLocalTopocentric 07h46m37s +27°58'43''
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m46.617s {655 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] (Check) SideofPier=1
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m46.617s {680 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] (Check) Istracking=TRUE
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m46.618s {617 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] (Check) Isparked  =FALSE
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m46.619s {677 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] (Check) ASCOM_equLocalTopocentric 07h46m37s +27°58'43''
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m46.620s {675 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> in 07h46m37.152s +27°58'42.93''
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m46.620s {655 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> (all arcsec) refract=31.178, abb diurne=0.207, nutation=20.941, precess=1101.340, totald=1053.665
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m46.621s {668 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> out 07h45m18.649s +28°01'34.00''
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m46.622s {651 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] (Check) ASCOM_equLocalTopocentric (Mount does handle refraction) J2000.0-> 07h45m19s +28°01'34''
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m46.622s {659 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] (Check) exit (1662)
@[7960]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m46.625s {2.6 ms} : [HiresTimer] Ontimer proc will be executed soon : 1F18 Owner="Timer_OnTimerEventExposure_Virtual_MAIN"
 [7960]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m46.825s {196.5 ms} : [HiresTimer] Ontimer proc will be executed soon : 1F18 Owner="Timer_OnTimerEventExposure_Virtual_MAIN"
@[Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m46.977s {149.4 ms} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> in 07h46m37.152s +27°58'42.93''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m46.978s {786 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> (all arcsec) refract=31.177, abb diurne=0.207, nutation=20.941, precess=1101.340, totald=1053.666
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m46.979s {760 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> out 07h45m18.649s +28°01'34.00''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m46.980s {746 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> in 07h46m37.152s +27°58'42.93''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m46.980s {725 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> (all arcsec) refract=31.177, abb diurne=0.207, nutation=20.941, precess=1101.340, totald=1053.666
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m46.981s {782 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> out 07h45m18.649s +28°01'34.00''
@[7960]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m47.025s {43.1 ms} : [HiresTimer] Ontimer proc will be executed soon : 1F18 Owner="Timer_OnTimerEventExposure_Virtual_MAIN"
 [7960]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m47.225s {196.2 ms} : [HiresTimer] Ontimer proc will be executed soon : 1F18 Owner="Timer_OnTimerEventExposure_Virtual_MAIN"
 [7960]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m47.425s {196.3 ms} : [HiresTimer] Ontimer proc will be executed soon : 1F18 Owner="Timer_OnTimerEventExposure_Virtual_MAIN"
@[Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m47.476s {49.6 ms} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> in 07h46m37.152s +27°58'42.93''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m47.477s {658 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> (all arcsec) refract=31.175, abb diurne=0.207, nutation=20.941, precess=1101.340, totald=1053.668
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m47.477s {612 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> out 07h45m18.649s +28°01'34.00''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m47.478s {538 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> in 07h46m37.152s +27°58'42.93''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m47.478s {562 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> (all arcsec) refract=31.175, abb diurne=0.207, nutation=20.941, precess=1101.340, totald=1053.668
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m47.479s {540 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> out 07h45m18.649s +28°01'34.00''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m47.513s {33.0 ms} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> in 07h46m37.152s +27°58'42.93''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m47.513s {835 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> (all arcsec) refract=31.175, abb diurne=0.207, nutation=20.941, precess=1101.340, totald=1053.668
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m47.514s {749 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> out 07h45m18.649s +28°01'34.00''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m47.515s {794 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> in 07h46m37.152s +27°58'42.93''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m47.516s {924 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> (all arcsec) refract=31.175, abb diurne=0.207, nutation=20.941, precess=1101.340, totald=1053.668
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m47.517s {821 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> out 07h45m18.649s +28°01'34.00''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m47.518s {1.2 ms} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> in 07h46m37.152s +27°58'42.93''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m47.519s {805 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> (all arcsec) refract=31.175, abb diurne=0.207, nutation=20.941, precess=1101.340, totald=1053.668
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m47.520s {792 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> out 07h45m18.649s +28°01'34.00''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m47.520s {811 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> in 07h46m37.152s +27°58'42.93''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m47.521s {763 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> (all arcsec) refract=31.175, abb diurne=0.207, nutation=20.941, precess=1101.340, totald=1053.668
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m47.522s {747 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> out 07h45m18.649s +28°01'34.00''
@[9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m47.606s {82.3 ms} : [ASCOM telescope] (Check) enter (1663)
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m47.607s {774 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] Command FSetCommand -> 1
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m47.607s {680 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] Command started -> Get_periodicInfos
@[6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m47.608s {690 µs} : [ASCOM telescope thread order] {status} Ask coordinates enter (begin)
 [6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m47.609s {672 µs} : [ASCOM telescope thread order] {status} RA/DEC Ok
 [6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m47.609s {634 µs} : [ASCOM telescope thread order] {status} AtPark is False
 [6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m47.610s {671 µs} : [ASCOM telescope thread order] {status} Tracking is active
 [6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m47.611s {639 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] ASCOM.Simulator.Telescope,Ouest du pied
 [6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m47.611s {669 µs} : [ASCOM telescope thread order] {status} NOT Slewing
 [6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m47.612s {714 µs} : [ASCOM telescope thread order] {status} RightAscensionRate -> 0.00
 [6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m47.613s {652 µs} : [ASCOM telescope thread order] {status} DeclinationRate -> 0.00
 [6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m47.614s {709 µs} : [ASCOM telescope thread order] {status} Ask coordinates/status 07h46m37s +27°58'43'' Parked=FALSE Tracking=TRUE Slewing=FALSE (end)
 [6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m47.614s {703 µs} : [ASCOM telescope thread order] {status} done, Exit proc
@[9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m47.615s {696 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] Command done -> Get_periodicInfos
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m47.616s {690 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] (Check) command processed
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m47.616s {659 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] (Check) ASCOM_equLocalTopocentric 07h46m37s +27°58'43''
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m47.617s {624 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] (Check) SideofPier=1
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m47.618s {703 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] (Check) Istracking=TRUE
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m47.618s {592 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] (Check) Isparked  =FALSE
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m47.619s {627 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] (Check) ASCOM_equLocalTopocentric 07h46m37s +27°58'43''
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m47.620s {642 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> in 07h46m37.152s +27°58'42.93''
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m47.620s {649 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> (all arcsec) refract=31.174, abb diurne=0.207, nutation=20.941, precess=1101.340, totald=1053.669
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m47.621s {610 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> out 07h45m18.648s +28°01'34.00''
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m47.622s {652 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] (Check) ASCOM_equLocalTopocentric (Mount does handle refraction) J2000.0-> 07h45m19s +28°01'34''
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m47.622s {542 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] (Check) exit (1663)
@[Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m47.981s {352.1 ms} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> in 07h46m37.152s +27°58'42.93''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m47.982s {851 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> (all arcsec) refract=31.173, abb diurne=0.207, nutation=20.941, precess=1101.340, totald=1053.670
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m47.983s {1.1 ms} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> out 07h45m18.648s +28°01'34.00''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m47.984s {859 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> in 07h46m37.152s +27°58'42.93''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m47.985s {801 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> (all arcsec) refract=31.173, abb diurne=0.207, nutation=20.941, precess=1101.340, totald=1053.670
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m47.986s {761 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> out 07h45m18.648s +28°01'34.00''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m48.477s {481.7 ms} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> in 07h46m37.152s +27°58'42.93''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m48.477s {803 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> (all arcsec) refract=31.171, abb diurne=0.207, nutation=20.941, precess=1101.340, totald=1053.672
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m48.478s {786 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> out 07h45m18.648s +28°01'34.00''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m48.479s {756 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> in 07h46m37.152s +27°58'42.93''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m48.480s {946 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> (all arcsec) refract=31.171, abb diurne=0.207, nutation=20.941, precess=1101.340, totald=1053.672
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m48.481s {785 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> out 07h45m18.648s +28°01'34.00''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m48.509s {27.9 ms} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> in 07h46m37.152s +27°58'42.93''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m48.510s {823 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> (all arcsec) refract=31.171, abb diurne=0.207, nutation=20.941, precess=1101.340, totald=1053.672
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m48.511s {782 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> out 07h45m18.648s +28°01'34.00''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m48.512s {798 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> in 07h46m37.152s +27°58'42.93''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m48.512s {832 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> (all arcsec) refract=31.171, abb diurne=0.207, nutation=20.941, precess=1101.340, totald=1053.672
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m48.513s {790 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> out 07h45m18.648s +28°01'34.00''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m48.514s {1.1 ms} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> in 07h46m37.152s +27°58'42.93''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m48.515s {790 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> (all arcsec) refract=31.171, abb diurne=0.207, nutation=20.941, precess=1101.340, totald=1053.672
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m48.516s {792 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> out 07h45m18.648s +28°01'34.00''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m48.517s {1.0 ms} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> in 07h46m37.152s +27°58'42.93''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m48.518s {892 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> (all arcsec) refract=31.171, abb diurne=0.207, nutation=20.941, precess=1101.340, totald=1053.672
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m48.519s {782 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> out 07h45m18.648s +28°01'34.00''
@[9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m48.605s {84.9 ms} : [ASCOM telescope] (Check) enter (1664)
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m48.606s {776 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] Command FSetCommand -> 1
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m48.607s {762 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] Command started -> Get_periodicInfos
@[6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m48.608s {657 µs} : [ASCOM telescope thread order] {status} Ask coordinates enter (begin)
 [6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m48.608s {676 µs} : [ASCOM telescope thread order] {status} RA/DEC Ok
 [6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m48.609s {660 µs} : [ASCOM telescope thread order] {status} AtPark is False
 [6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m48.610s {699 µs} : [ASCOM telescope thread order] {status} Tracking is active
 [6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m48.610s {662 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] ASCOM.Simulator.Telescope,Ouest du pied
 [6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m48.611s {614 µs} : [ASCOM telescope thread order] {status} NOT Slewing
 [6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m48.612s {603 µs} : [ASCOM telescope thread order] {status} RightAscensionRate -> 0.00
 [6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m48.612s {599 µs} : [ASCOM telescope thread order] {status} DeclinationRate -> 0.00
 [6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m48.613s {568 µs} : [ASCOM telescope thread order] {status} Ask coordinates/status 07h46m37s +27°58'43'' Parked=FALSE Tracking=TRUE Slewing=FALSE (end)
 [6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m48.613s {606 µs} : [ASCOM telescope thread order] {status} done, Exit proc
@[9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m48.614s {676 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] Command done -> Get_periodicInfos
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m48.615s {638 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] (Check) command processed
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m48.615s {671 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] (Check) ASCOM_equLocalTopocentric 07h46m37s +27°58'43''
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m48.616s {583 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] (Check) SideofPier=1
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m48.617s {692 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] (Check) Istracking=TRUE
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m48.617s {659 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] (Check) Isparked  =FALSE
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m48.618s {646 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] (Check) ASCOM_equLocalTopocentric 07h46m37s +27°58'43''
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m48.619s {663 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> in 07h46m37.152s +27°58'42.93''
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m48.619s {642 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> (all arcsec) refract=31.171, abb diurne=0.207, nutation=20.941, precess=1101.340, totald=1053.672
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m48.620s {649 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> out 07h45m18.649s +28°01'34.00''
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m48.621s {670 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] (Check) ASCOM_equLocalTopocentric (Mount does handle refraction) J2000.0-> 07h45m19s +28°01'34''
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m48.621s {721 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] (Check) exit (1664)
@[Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m48.976s {348.1 ms} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> in 07h46m37.152s +27°58'42.93''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m48.977s {904 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> (all arcsec) refract=31.169, abb diurne=0.207, nutation=20.941, precess=1101.340, totald=1053.674
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m48.978s {757 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> out 07h45m18.649s +28°01'34.00''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m48.979s {840 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> in 07h46m37.152s +27°58'42.93''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m48.980s {733 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> (all arcsec) refract=31.169, abb diurne=0.207, nutation=20.941, precess=1101.340, totald=1053.674
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m48.980s {850 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> out 07h45m18.649s +28°01'34.00''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m49.478s {488.0 ms} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> in 07h46m37.152s +27°58'42.93''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m49.479s {776 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> (all arcsec) refract=31.168, abb diurne=0.207, nutation=20.941, precess=1101.340, totald=1053.676
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m49.480s {811 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> out 07h45m18.649s +28°01'34.00''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m49.480s {750 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> in 07h46m37.152s +27°58'42.93''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m49.481s {756 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> (all arcsec) refract=31.168, abb diurne=0.207, nutation=20.941, precess=1101.340, totald=1053.676
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m49.482s {734 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> out 07h45m18.649s +28°01'34.00''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m49.510s {27.8 ms} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> in 07h46m37.152s +27°58'42.93''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m49.511s {793 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> (all arcsec) refract=31.168, abb diurne=0.207, nutation=20.941, precess=1101.340, totald=1053.676
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m49.512s {726 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> out 07h45m18.649s +28°01'34.00''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m49.512s {744 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> in 07h46m37.152s +27°58'42.93''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m49.513s {756 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> (all arcsec) refract=31.167, abb diurne=0.207, nutation=20.941, precess=1101.340, totald=1053.676
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m49.514s {739 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> out 07h45m18.649s +28°01'34.00''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m49.515s {1.1 ms} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> in 07h46m37.152s +27°58'42.93''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m49.516s {767 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> (all arcsec) refract=31.167, abb diurne=0.207, nutation=20.941, precess=1101.340, totald=1053.676
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m49.517s {679 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> out 07h45m18.649s +28°01'34.00''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m49.517s {745 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> in 07h46m37.152s +27°58'42.93''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m49.518s {717 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> (all arcsec) refract=31.167, abb diurne=0.207, nutation=20.941, precess=1101.340, totald=1053.676
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m49.519s {711 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> out 07h45m18.649s +28°01'34.00''
@[9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m49.606s {85.1 ms} : [ASCOM telescope] (Check) enter (1665)
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m49.606s {702 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] Command FSetCommand -> 1
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m49.607s {740 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] Command started -> Get_periodicInfos
@[6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m49.608s {678 µs} : [ASCOM telescope thread order] {status} Ask coordinates enter (begin)
 [6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m49.609s {771 µs} : [ASCOM telescope thread order] {status} RA/DEC Ok
 [6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m49.609s {774 µs} : [ASCOM telescope thread order] {status} AtPark is False
 [6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m49.610s {780 µs} : [ASCOM telescope thread order] {status} Tracking is active
 [6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m49.611s {739 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] ASCOM.Simulator.Telescope,Ouest du pied
 [6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m49.612s {701 µs} : [ASCOM telescope thread order] {status} NOT Slewing
 [6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m49.612s {688 µs} : [ASCOM telescope thread order] {status} RightAscensionRate -> 0.00
 [6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m49.613s {689 µs} : [ASCOM telescope thread order] {status} DeclinationRate -> 0.00
 [6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m49.614s {618 µs} : [ASCOM telescope thread order] {status} Ask coordinates/status 07h46m37s +27°58'43'' Parked=FALSE Tracking=TRUE Slewing=FALSE (end)
 [6776]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m49.614s {636 µs} : [ASCOM telescope thread order] {status} done, Exit proc
@[9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m49.615s {641 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] Command done -> Get_periodicInfos
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m49.616s {627 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] (Check) command processed
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m49.616s {641 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] (Check) ASCOM_equLocalTopocentric 07h46m37s +27°58'43''
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m49.617s {647 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] (Check) SideofPier=1
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m49.617s {387 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] (Check) Istracking=TRUE
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m49.618s {656 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] (Check) Isparked  =FALSE
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m49.619s {674 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] (Check) ASCOM_equLocalTopocentric 07h46m37s +27°58'43''
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m49.619s {650 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> in 07h46m37.152s +27°58'42.93''
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m49.620s {644 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> (all arcsec) refract=31.167, abb diurne=0.207, nutation=20.941, precess=1101.340, totald=1053.676
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m49.621s {687 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> out 07h45m18.648s +28°01'34.00''
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m49.621s {607 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] (Check) ASCOM_equLocalTopocentric (Mount does handle refraction) J2000.0-> 07h45m19s +28°01'34''
 [9856]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m49.622s {662 µs} : [ASCOM telescope] (Check) exit (1665)
@[Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m49.873s {246.5 ms} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> in 07h46m37.152s +27°58'42.93''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m49.874s {785 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> (all arcsec) refract=31.166, abb diurne=0.207, nutation=20.941, precess=1101.340, totald=1053.677
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m49.875s {742 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> out 07h45m18.648s +28°01'34.00''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m49.876s {755 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> in 07h46m37.152s +27°58'42.93''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m49.876s {745 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> (all arcsec) refract=31.166, abb diurne=0.207, nutation=20.941, precess=1101.340, totald=1053.677
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m49.877s {770 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> out 07h45m18.648s +28°01'34.00''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m49.878s {749 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> in 07h46m37.152s +27°58'42.93''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m49.879s {740 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> (all arcsec) refract=31.166, abb diurne=0.207, nutation=20.941, precess=1101.340, totald=1053.677
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m49.879s {741 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> out 07h45m18.648s +28°01'34.00''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m49.978s {96.4 ms} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> in 07h46m37.152s +27°58'42.93''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m49.978s {786 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> (all arcsec) refract=31.166, abb diurne=0.207, nutation=20.941, precess=1101.340, totald=1053.677
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m49.979s {663 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> out 07h45m18.648s +28°01'34.00''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m49.980s {741 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> in 07h46m37.152s +27°58'42.93''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m49.981s {748 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> (all arcsec) refract=31.166, abb diurne=0.207, nutation=20.941, precess=1101.340, totald=1053.677
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m49.981s {697 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> out 07h45m18.648s +28°01'34.00''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m50.480s {489.4 ms} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> in 07h46m37.152s +27°58'42.93''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m50.481s {829 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> (all arcsec) refract=31.164, abb diurne=0.207, nutation=20.941, precess=1101.340, totald=1053.679
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m50.482s {793 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> out 07h45m18.648s +28°01'34.00''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m50.483s {838 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> in 07h46m37.152s +27°58'42.93''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m50.484s {791 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> (all arcsec) refract=31.164, abb diurne=0.207, nutation=20.941, precess=1101.340, totald=1053.679
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m50.484s {795 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> out 07h45m18.648s +28°01'34.00''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m50.512s {27.0 ms} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> in 07h46m37.152s +27°58'42.93''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m50.513s {873 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> (all arcsec) refract=31.164, abb diurne=0.207, nutation=20.941, precess=1101.340, totald=1053.679
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m50.514s {787 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> out 07h45m18.648s +28°01'34.00''
 [Main]: TU 2022-01-17  21h28m50.514s {804 µs} : ConvertRADECobs_to_RADEC2000 -> in 07h46m37.152s +27°58'42.93''

En attendant la correction de cette fonction ne faudrait-il pas la désactiver ? Elle pourrait induire en erreur beaucoup d'observateurs.

PS : Ma configuration (setup) du 31/12/2021
• PRISM 64 bits V11.0.3.6 du 29/12/2021
• Windows 11 Famille en 64 bits – version 21H2 - version OS 22000.376
• Processeur Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9700KF CPU @ 3.60GHz
• Disque dur SSD 1To
• Mémoire ram installée 32Go
• Résolution 2560x1440
• ASCOM Platform 6.5 SP1 – RC1
• Monture allemande EM200 alimentée en 24V Temma 2Jr et driver ASCOM Telescope driver for Takahashi Temma protocols 6.2.6
• Caméra principale Acquisition ZWO ASI6200MM-PRO pilote Windows du 30/12/2020. Pilote logiciel PRISM 1.05.04 du 20 Mars 2021
• Caméra secondaire Autoguider SBIG ST-i pilote Windows 2.41.02 du 20/01/2011 pulse guide par ASCOM
• Contrôle de focalisation : USB-Focuser 2 SkyCenterStepperv1.0.52 du 27/09/2021 x64 (Pierro-Astro) + moteur Robofocus pilote FTDI du 16/08/2017
• Gestion d’interrupteurs IP9258FR Release Version : V4.01 2013/04/18
• Serveur série MOXA NP5210A Firmware version=0x1020000
• Onduleur FSP NANO 600
• Modem routeur NETGEAR DGN2200v4 Firmware V1.0.0.58_1.0.58
Cyril Cavadore
Messages : 4508
Enregistré le : 18 juin 2009, 22:41
Localisation : 42

Re: OBS-AUTO : Eviter la proximité de la Lune

Message par Cyril Cavadore »

Si j'inspecte le code visuellement je ne vois pas de pb.
Tu mets 29.4 ca marche
Tu met 29.3 ca ne marche pas ...
et une valeur comme 30 ?

J'ai mis plus de log pour comprendre ce qui se passe -> 11.0.4

https://www.dropbox.com/s/to1dzt9m1oq1a ... m.zip?dl=1
Cyril Cavadore, ALCOR-SYSTEM, Auteur de PRISM

Pour reporter vos problème, la marche à suivre est ici
Laurent Bernasconi
Messages : 501
Enregistré le : 18 juin 2009, 22:24
Localisation : Observatoire des Engarouines (Vaucluse)
Contact :

Re: OBS-AUTO : Eviter la proximité de la Lune

Message par Laurent Bernasconi »

Salut Cyril,

cette version est toujours numéroté
Laurent Bernasconi
Janus Team
Cyril Cavadore
Messages : 4508
Enregistré le : 18 juin 2009, 22:41
Localisation : 42

Re: OBS-AUTO : Eviter la proximité de la Lune

Message par Cyril Cavadore »

CAh oui, je l'avais changé en 64b mais pas en 32b , ca c'est vraiment penible cette separation
Cyril Cavadore, ALCOR-SYSTEM, Auteur de PRISM

Pour reporter vos problème, la marche à suivre est ici